Update: Mental Health, Motionless Re-Edits, Future of My Writing Career (Such as It Is)

    Hi everyone, TavernMoth here, I just wanted to make a quick post about my writing and what's going on in my life.

    First off, I'm okay. Better than I have been in a long time, in fact. I've been severely depressed for the last twenty years of my life, but I finally took the plunge and got some help last month and I'm in a much better place.

    I hope that hasn't scared anyone off. What this means is that I'm taking time to reorganize my life and taking stock of what I really want. One thing I want is to finish this story, so Motionless isn't going anywhere. No worries there. It does, however, mean that I'm not going to force myself to work too hard on it and force it when the inspiration and energy just isn't there. I did that in a previous chapter and I hate it.

    To that point, I'm going to do some very minor re-editing of the chapters. I already did the prologue and first chapter. Mostly just fixing typos I missed when I was too exhausted to pay attention properly. It's a simple enough process, but I feel like it needs to be done after rereading some of my work and uploading updated versions to The Overflowing Bra website (check it out if you haven't, lots of great writers there).

    Another thing, I would love to get one or two proof-readers to give me feedback and help me catch grammatical errors I may make. I usually try to catch them all, but the process of good writing is as much reading your work three thousand times as it is writing the actual story down. If anyone reading this is interested, send me an email to medmoth90@gmail.com or hit me up on Discord if that suits you better. My username there is tavernmoth. If nothing else, hit me up and let's chat just for the fun of it.

    The next big thing I want to do pulse check on is this: is anyone interested in supporting my work either through Ko-fi or Patreon? I don't yet know what that would look like, but rewards may include things like access to a private discord server to offer feedback, talk about prompts and story ideas, share art, and generally hang out. I may also offer access to early drafts of chapters and short stories, and maybe even exclusive short story commissions to higher tiers. My time is limited and I'd need to really think about how to pull that off, so I wanted to see if there was any interest, or if people thought that was a terrible idea.

    Please comment on this post if you have any input. I need support to keep making stories or I'll have to drop this after I finish Motionless. Not a threat, just reality. It takes a lot of time to write well, guys.


  1. Moth, thanks for a superb novel. Beautifully crafted, great characterization. Very much enjoyed reading it; your work here was a great find, many thanks again. I'm glad to hear you're coming out of your dark patch - congratulations! I was in the process of asking if you'd like a proofreader, will email you right now and try to find you on Discord later today. And yes I'd be interested in your work on Patreon. I'll go into some detail in the email, look forward to more Abby and more Bridget.


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