Motionless, Part 7

 Part 7:


The exhaustion proved to be too great, and Bridget cried herself to sleep within the hour. She enjoyed a long, restful, and dreamless sleep, but when the light hit her face a few hours after sunrise she woke up with a sharp gasp. The memories of the previous evening overwhelmed her thoughts. Everything felt off.

She never slept in the nude, so why was she naked? She thought for one horrible moment she was still in the hotel room and the last minute rescue had been a hopeless and optimistic dream. Then her memories reasserted themselves. Aidan had brought her home and then…

Mom was mad at me for doing that interview…

Upset and disoriented, Bridget tried to sit up, but the immense weight on her chest proved to be too much. She had rolled onto her back in the night again, which always made it harder to get out of bed on her own. With a grunt of frustration and effort, she jerked her arms up, tightened her abs, and strained to force herself into a sitting position. She couldn’t manage it, and an all too familiar thought loomed out of the panicked fog in her mind.

Did they get bigger again?

Goddammit!” She growled to herself. “Get up!”

They were so big it was hard to tell if they had grown until she got a chance to measure them. Still, she knew herself well enough to estimate they had grown at least a little more. The biggest giveaway was the weight. She rolled over and her breasts flopped off of her chest, producing a heavy thumping sound as they hit the mattress. She grunted with effort as she dragged them along behind her, inching backwards to the edge of the bed. If she could get her legs under her she would be able to stand up. Her door handle rattled and she craned her neck to make sure no one was coming into her room.

“You alright in there, sweetie?”

Her dad’s voice was muffled by the door. At least she had remembered to lock it.

“F-Fine!” She shouted. “I’m getting up.”

“Alright…” her dad said, not sounding convinced. “Your mother wants you to come downstairs. She made breakfast.”

Bridget groaned in dismay and forced one leg over the edge of her bed. The extra leverage let her drag her bulk to the edge and she hunched over her mattress to catch her breath.

“Fine, but I need to shower first,” she shouted.

Her dad didn’t respond so she supposed he must have delivered the message and left.

Thanks for worrying about me, she thought, her temper rising. Great parenting.

“Soooo glad you care,” she snarled to her empty room as she fought to stand up straight.

Her thoughts shifted to the hotel room and she shut her eyes, trying to will the memories away. She had too much to deal with to think about that. As if to prove her point, her phone buzzed on her nightstand. She’d been so upset she hadn’t thought of texting Clara to make sure she and Matty got home safe. She had taken her clothes off and slipped under the covers, too confused and miserable to care about anything. Then a fresh wave of hurt and anger passed over her as she remembered her mom’s accusations the night before.

If that bitch only knew what happened to me last night…

Tears of impotent rage started to slide down her cheeks. She was so tired of being helpless. Now she couldn’t even get out of bed without a struggle. How would she go on living if her last shreds of independence were taken away? She was so close to reuniting with Aidan. How would he react if he knew she was going to be nothing but a burden on him once she grew too big to move around without assistance? Would she ever be able to qualify for disability? Would he still want her if she was an invalid

Calm down.

The voice in her head sounded like Victoria, Clara, Kylie, and even her mom all at once. It was firm, but also warm and comforting. It made her realize she was letting her imagination run away with her again.

She took in a deep breath and tried to calm herself. It was no big deal. Some mornings were like this. A considerable amount of growth meant she had to put more effort into getting up. She just needed to fight harder in a battle she had been losing for years.


She hated herself for even thinking that word, but it came closer to describing her with every passing day. How much longer did she have before she would need mechanical assistance to stand up and move around?

It’s not today, the cool, stern, multi-faceted voice in her head told her. Now get up.

She strained and lifted her chest from the bed. It was excruciating. Without a bra to help distribute the excessive weight, it was all on her neck and lower back. She wanted to lean on the bed again, but there was no way to know if she would manage to stand upright again if she gave in. She wanted to find a bra to help mitigate the discomfort, but there was no sense in stuffing herself into one yet. A shower would do her the most good. 

As she moved across her room, she snatched her phone and checked her notifications. There were a lot more than usual, but she ignored them for the moment.

One step at a time, she thought. Worry about yourself for now.

Cracking her door open, she peered out at the hallway to make sure no one was outside. Once she was certain the coast was clear, she wobbled across the hallway as fast as she could and stumbled into the bathroom.

She had been right. A shower was exactly what she needed. It felt like the hot water was cleansing her of all the bad things from the night before. Even though the worst had not occurred, she’d still felt dirty and tainted. She would never be able to reverse the decisions of the previous evening, but this felt like a good first step in leaving it behind.

And who led you down that road? A callous, since voice that reminded her of Eva asked. Who told you to embrace a less cautious lifestyle and take risks?

“Victoria didn’t mean for me to be stupid about it,” she mumbled to the tiled wall. “And Clara didn’t know about Les.”

Bridget stood silent for a long time after that to think it over. She let the water flow over her until it started to run more on the lukewarm side. By the time she got out, she had come to a decision. She would apologize to her mom and dad for leaving them in the dark about the interview, but not before Aidan was waiting outside to pick her up. She couldn’t be around her family right now, so she would say her piece and leave. Tensions and emotions were too high, and she didn’t want to explain what had happened the night before. She wasn’t ready, and wasn’t sure if she ever would be.

As soon as she stepped out of the shower she went for her usual trinity of towels. She wrapped one around her hips, another around her head, and then started to dry her chest off with a larger beach towel. It was a slow, painstaking process, and one that only became more difficult as she got bigger. She had developed a few tricks to manage it on her own, though. At least she didn't need to call her mom to help her towel off.


She rested her left tit on the counter, then bent at the knees to lift its bulk from her ribcage. The towel slid beneath it and she drew it back and forth in a sawing motion to soak up the water hiding in the crevice between chest and breast. It was a bit like polishing a bowling ball, but on a much larger scale. She repeated the process on the opposite side, then started applying huge blobs of moisturizer to her skin. Lately her mom had to buy it for her in bulk and she went through about a bottle a week. Her skin seemed to be almost supernaturally supple to accommodate her constant growth so far, but her doctors had long advised a skincare regimen if she wanted to keep it smooth and free of stretch marks.

The whole time she was tending to her breasts she considered them with a sort of clinical detachment. They had gotten so big, but they were still getting bigger all these years later. Rather than worrying about their size for once she only wondered how big they could get. Would they ever stop?

Probably not, replied the most cynical parts of her brain.

By the time she was done, she felt she had experienced a genuine epiphany. She saw everything with a strange new clarity as she sat down on the edge of the tub to dry her lower body. What happened the night before may as well have happened to a completely different girl. That naive, innocent Bridget was gone. The new one would have to be tougher and start taking what she wanted while she could.

Picking up her phone again, Bridget composed a lengthy text to Aidan to explain her plan. She’d had enough of being terrified of everyone and everything around her. She was going to live from that day forward, and she was going to do it with Aidan. He was all she wanted out of life right now, and it was more obvious to her than ever. Based on what he had told her that in the car the night before, he felt the same way.

With all of that taken care of, Bridget stood up and rested her tits on the counter again. She stared her reflection in the face with a neutral expression. The usual splash of freckles adorned her otherwise pale skin, thickest over the bridge of her nose and below her eyes. Her nose was still the same small, snubbed thing it has always been. It was unremarkable, at best. Her cheekbones were high, but her cheeks were too round and chubby for it to look attractive in her mind. Her jawline and general face shape were good, it was all the other features that spoiled her looks. And her hair…why, oh why had she been born a ginger?

She picked up the makeup bag Clara had given her to practice with before homecoming. It was a simple kit consisting of eyeliner, foundation, and a few shades of lipstick to try out, but it would do. If she was going to turn her life around, why not start with her looks? Exercise was probably going to be harder to manage as time went on, but a new face might give her the same sort of confidence as the abs and tight bubble butt she’d always wanted.

Her phone buzzed and she picked it up to see a reply from Aidan.

Don’t be mad, but dad insisted on church today. Be there in about an hour.

Bridget didn’t want to face her parents until she knew she could leave as soon as she told them what was on her mind. That gave her time to kill, so she decided to spend the next hour experimenting with the makeup Clara gave her. For the first fifteen minutes or so she played around with different colors of foundation. She settled on something just a shade or two darker than her natural tone, finding that she could hide a few of her lighter freckles if she blended it just right. All in all, she thought she liked the look once it was done. Her skin looked smoother, but still natural.

Since she was on a roll, she looked up a video tutorial to learn a few extra tricks of the trade. Several girls at the dance had used a subtle winged style she thought looked interesting, so she checked out different ways to do that. It took a couple of tries, but she had a steady hand and learned fast. After that, she chose a pale pink lipstick to complete her new look and stared into the mirror. 

She looked like someone else; a prettier sister, perhaps. The makeup hid what she saw as her most glaring flaws and put her best features forward. She had a long way to go still, but she thought this look suited her. She could improve on it over the coming months. Maybe someone would look her in the eye for a change, if only for a moment.

Her phone buzzed again. Aidan had sent her an update.

On my way now. Maybe ten more minutes.

She looked down at her naked breasts and wondered what she should wear for their first meal as a real couple. She needed a good bra to start. She hoisted her bulk off of the counter, hissing and wincing as the painful pressure returned to her back and shoulders, and hobbled across the hallway again. She could hear the sounds of quick, heavy footsteps from downstairs, as well as Julian giggling. Her dad must have been chasing him around the house again. That was good. They deserved to have some fun and it would help keep her mom distracted.

Once she found a bra that suited her purposes—an extra supportive one that was built something like a corset—she dug through her closet looking for something cute and comfortable. It was time to take Victoria’s advice and dress to impress. She had a body, and she was going to own it. If that pissed her mom off, so be it.

She emerged with a pair of stretchy jeans and a low cut blouse. She had bought them on Kylie’s recommendation, but never had the guts to wear them out because the jeans felt too tight around her hips and the top showed off a lot of skin. Today she didn’t care about any of that. Part of her hoped people looked at her butt for a change.

After squeezing herself into the pants she struggled into her top and adjusted it to display the perfect amount of cleavage. There was so much of it to show it was difficult to get things arranged the way she wanted, but she managed. She found a pair of shoes with just enough heel to make her ass pop and sat down to await Aidan’s arrival. Once her phone buzzed again and she saw what she had been waiting for, she went downstairs with as much of a fierce and determined stride as she could manage. Between the usual problem of her chest and her inexperience with heels her balance was a bit compromised, but she managed to get down the stairs without stumbling.

She crossed the foyer, but saw no signs of her dad or brother. As she stepped into the kitchen, she found her mother cleaning up the leftovers from breakfast. Putting her hands on her hips in a pose that was unconsciously reminiscent of Catherine’s own “no-nonsense stance”, she spoke up.

“Where’s dad?” She asked.

“He took your brother out for a walk.”

Catherine turned around and unknowingly mirrored her daughter’s posture. Her expression and general bearing were softer than the previous evening, but she still looked troubled and upset. Her eyes flitted around, taking in the unfamiliar makeup on Bridget’s face, but she said nothing. There was a palpable frostiness between mother and daughter that had never been there before. They both hated it, but neither woman wanted to give in to the other first.

“Oh, well,” Bridget shrugged. “I guess one of you will have to do.”

She took a deep breath. Overall she had a good relationship with her parents. She’d been an only child right up until high school and they were a closed-knit sort of family. She wasn’t used to being at odds with them, but she had to start going her own way whether they approved or not. Her voice sounded soft and hesitant at first, but it grew stronger as she went on. She had thought a lot about what she wanted to say and it all came pouring out of her in a flood.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about the interview. I’m not going to lie or try to make excuses for why I did it. I did it because Dana offered a kind of help you and dad could never give me and I wanted it. I’m grown up now, and I guess I’m starting to realize I’ll do plenty of things that will upset you and dad. I don’t want to hurt you, but you’re gonna have to accept that I’m not gonna do what you say just because you say it anymore. I have to make my own choices and mistakes or I’ll never figure out what the hell I want to do with my life. Just because I have these—”

She hoisted her boobs up and let them drop for emphasis. They continued to wobble below her chin, but she ignored them and went on.

“—doesn’t mean you and dad get to treat me like I’m made of glass. I have to get out there and try things. I have a right to talk to whoever I want. You may think telling everyone about myself was a mistake, and you may even be right, but I don’t care. I want people to know that girls like me exist and that we have feelings. I want people to know that they can’t treat me and people like me like the butt of every joke, or an easy target, or a trophy, or—”

Her voice squeaked as her throat went dry. The last example made her think about Les and how he had planned to make her into his ultimate sexual conquest. She drew her fingers across one eye to stop the tears falling and went on.

“I met a lady who said she’d put me in touch with a bunch of others going through the same thing I am. You can’t really understand what I’m going through, and dad definitely can’t, so who else am I supposed to talk to about this?”

Catherine’s eyes widened at that. She opened her mouth as if to respond, but shut it again and remained silent. Bridget gave her a moment, but the silence stretched on a bit too long and she decided to move on.

“I’m going out with Aidan for a while. Like I said last night, he and I patched things up last night, not that you seem to care too much about that right now. I’ll be gone til tonight. Tell Dad we’ll talk all you guys want then.”

Then she drew up every ounce of resolve she had left and uttered the one phrase she wanted to say the least when she was still so angry with her. But she knew that was the very reason it was going to cut so deep when she said it.

“I love you. I’ll see you later.”

Adrenaline coursed through Bridget’s veins as she left the kitchen and marched out the door front without so much as a glance over her shoulder. She had never been so blunt with anyone before, least of all her mom. There was something liberating about telling people what you really felt, but it was scary. Though she wasn’t sure she would be able to do it very often, she felt like she would be able to if it became necessary again.

“It’s time to make a change, Bridget” she told herself as she walked down the path to Aidan’s car.

It was a cool and sunny morning so they drove straight to an open-air cafe across the street from the same park where Bridget had met with Dana. While Aidan requested a table for two, Bridget caught the hostess looking at her. She snuck a few more glances while they waited for a table to free up, but the strangest thing was that she seemed to be looking at her face as much as her boobs. Her paranoia started nagging at her again. She began to second guess her makeup job, her outfit, and everything else about appearance, but her newfound bravado shouted it down before she could work herself into a panic. Whatever the hostess’s problem with her was, she wasn’t going to let it worry her. She wanted to enjoy her day out with Aidan.

A short time later, Bridget was disappointed to find that their table was a tiny metal thing. It reminded her of the ones that her grandmother had kept on her patio when she was a kid. It wouldn’t be enough to hold up one boob, and the legs were so tightly packed together that there was no space beneath its hole-riddled surface to rest them. She didn’t want to make trouble for the staff or make Aidan feel guilty, so she sat down and turned her chair perpendicular to the table. From that position it wasn’t too difficult to rest her breasts in her lap. It just looked a little odd and drew attention to her boobs.

What else is new? She mentally asked herself. People will get over it.

Bridget looked around at her surroundings and liked what she saw. The patio was made of smooth red brick that must have been carefully maintained because she didn’t see so much as a single crack anywhere. It was covered by a large wooden lattice with tangles of ivy, ornamental grape vines, and artfully dim string lights forming a thick canopy to shade them from the worst of the sun. It was nice enough in the late morning, but she imagined it made for quite the romantic atmosphere at night.

“Sorry again you had to wait on me,” Aidan told her once they were situated. “I couldn’t figure out how to get out of it and I couldn’t tell my dad about…well, you know...”

“It’s okay,” Bridget said without taking her eyes off of her menu. “I needed some time to think anyway.”

He looked uncomfortable and shifted in his seat. He seemed to have a brief internal debate before he braved a delicate question.

“Are you feeling alright?” He asked. “After all that I wouldn’t blame you if—”

“I think I’m fine,” she said, peering at him over the top of her menu. “I’m pretty annoyed with my mom and dad. Mostly mom, I guess, but that may be a good thing. It’s almost like it’s helping to distract me from everything else.”

Aidan started to voice his concern, but then a waitress arrived. She was a tall, slim woman, and wore the same black apron and white blouse as all the others bustling around the patio.

“Welcome to Pergola,” she recited. “My name is Audra. Just to let you know, we have a couple of drink specials this morning. First up is a jasmine-honey lemonade, and the other is an iced rosemary-ceylon tea. What can I get started for you two?”

She had mostly delivered all of this to Aidan, but her eyes bulged when she turned towards Bridget. Now that she was up close, she must have realized that she wasn’t a chubby girl slouched over in her seat.

”Um, drinks?” The waitress said, turning to Aidan again and slapping a professional smile back onto her face.

“I’ll have that tea,” Bridget said.

“Cappuccino for me,” Aidan said. “And can we get some of those coffee cake muffins to get us started?”

”Certainly,” Audra said, still not looking in Bridget’s direction. “I’ll go get that for you right away.”

She bustled off, leaving them alone again. Aidan let out a low sigh before he turned the conversation back to serious matters.

“Have you heard from Clara today?” He asked. “‘Cause I haven’t.”

”Not yet, but I’m sure she and Matty got home safe. They probably can’t get to us right now. I doubt their parents were very happy when the cops dropped them off last night.”

”Yeah, probably not.”

Aidan looked relieved that she was acting so normal. He looked at her face and smiled as he leaned back in his chair. That had been his move ever since they were kids, and everything seemed to go back in time. It was like they were kids hanging out in the backyard again.

“You didn’t do all that for me, did you?”

He swirled a few fingers in the air in front of his face to indicate her makeup.

“I thought I’d give it a try,” Bridget said, glad the foundation was there to hide an unexpected blush. “It’s not too much is it?”

“Nah,” Aidan reassured her. “It looks good. I didn’t even think you knew how to do that. I’ve never seen you wear makeup before yesterday.”

“Clara’s been showing me a few things.”

“I never thought I’d live to see the day Bridget Thomas did anything so girly,” Aidan said with a grin.

”Shut up,” she said, fighting to hide a smile. “What’s wrong with growing up a little and embracing womanhood?”

“Nothing at all. It’s not like you of all people can hide the fact that you’re a girl.”

He grimaced, sure his big mouth had gotten away from him again. To his surprise, Bridget laughed.

“You’re still the same, though,” she chuckled. “That’s one thing mom was right about. Guys never grow up.”

Aidan smiled and shrugged.

“You’ve got me there. Older, but no wiser.”

The waitress came back with a small tray balanced on one hand above her head. She served them their drinks and laid a small platter of cinnamon-sugar-crusted muffins in the center of their table. She clamped the tray under her arm and took a pen and pad out of her apron pocket.

“Did you know what else you’d like or should I give you a few more minutes?” She asked, still looking at Aidan.

“I think I’m ready to order. Bridge?”

“I’ll have the brioche French toast with strawberries and a side of bacon.”

The waitress scribbled something down on her pad, then peeked over it to catch a surreptitious glimpse of Bridget’s face. The two locked eyes in a moment of exquisite awkwardness.

“I’m so sorry,” the waitress burst out. “But were you the one on TV last night?”

Bridget wasn’t sure how to respond to this new brand of attention, so she nodded.

“Yeah, that was me,” she said. “I didn’t think many people watched it, though.”

”Are you kidding?” Audra scoffed. “It was all over! I think a few clips have already gone viral. You’ve gotta be world famous by now.”

Audra leaned in close, her voice barely above a whisper.

“I think what you did was so brave. I can’t imagine what girls like you must go through out there.”

“Well, thanks,” Bridget said with a nervous chuckle. “I just wanted to make people aware that we exist and might need to be shown some consideration from time to time.”

“I’d better get back to work before my boss thinks I’m slacking off,” Audra said, rising to her feet again. “I’ll bring your food out in just a few minutes!”

She rushed off towards the kitchen, leaving Bridget feeling warm and fuzzy, but also more conflicted.

Just how many people saw that interview?

She turned back to Aidan, who was looking dejected.

“What’s wrong?” Bridget asked him.

“She forgot to take my order…”

Aidan eventually got something to eat besides muffins, and they finished brunch over a long conversation about what they were going to move forward. It wasn’t all doom and gloom like Bridget had half expected it to be. They had never grown very far apart, they just didn’t know how to act like adults around each other. Now that all the societal expectations and teenage bullshit were out of the way they were the same old friends. The trick, it turned out, was not to try to act grown up.

Aidan picked up the check, and they decided to cross the street and take a short walk around the park. He tried to do the gentlemanly thing and escort Bridget across the street, but she broke away and went bouncing and laughing as she hobble-jogged towards the park entrance. She ended up doubling over and puffing for breath, but there was a genuine smile on her red face when she stood up again.

“Maybe I should grow up a little more after all,” she said. “I guess you bring the kid back out of me.”

“That’s nice and all, but you should probably be careful,” he said. “You might throw your back out swinging all that around.”

“How dare you!” Bridget said, moving in close so that her boobs would press against him.

They were big enough to squash against everything from his navel to his collarbone. He gulped and tried to ignore the blood rushing southward.

”Cut it out,” he muttered.

His face was reddening as he pulled away, and he looked around them to see if anyone was watching. 

“You can’t go pushing people around with those.”

“They’ve gotta be good for something,” said Bridget with a sly smile and a shrug. “Let’s go down the long path. I want to see the duck pond.”

They walked down the gravel path. Even with her particular handicaps, Bridget was used to navigating the steep hill leading down to the pond, but accepted Aidan’s arm all the same. It was nice to have someone to lean on for a change. She watched the ducks swim and flutter around for a while, hugging Aidan’s arm close to her side. It felt like everything was going well for a change.

“I’m glad you showed up,” she told him.

“What’s that?” Aidan asked.

“I mean last night,” said Bridget. “I’m glad you were there. Not just because you and Clara saved me, but because we sorted all of this out.”

She sniffled and Aidan shifted to stand behind her. He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tighter.

“I’m sorry again about acting like such an idiot,” he said.

“It wasn’t just you,” Bridget said, laughing and wiping a tear from her eye. “I should have been more up front. Mom always said you have to be direct with men.”

“We’re not all that dumb, are we?”

“No. Not dumb. Just straightforward. You don’t play the mind games girls do. Maybe we’re the dumb ones for knowing that and doing it anyway.”

“Eh, I think people in general are kind of dumb,” Aidan laughed. “Why bring sex and stuff into it?”

“I don’t know. The older I get the more I see how huge the differences between men and women are. Here I am, barely able to break out of a stumble, and you’re this strapping young lad that can run faster than ever, and play baseball, and…fight…and…”

Her voice hitched towards the end and she cleared her throat. She kept her eyes locked on the ducks swimming and dabbling in the pond. Emotions were high for both of them, or so she hoped.

“I realized something this morning,” she told him. “I went to bed tired and angry, but this weird sense of clarity hit me just after I got out of bed. I know, without a shadow of a doubt, I’m probably never going to stop growing. At least not before I’m so big I’m disabled or something.”

“There’s no way that’s—”

Aidan started to protest, but she turned around, put a finger to his lips, and shushed him. He could see that she wasn’t tearing up like he had thought. There was plenty of sadness in her expression and body language, but also plenty of fiery grit and determination. Something hopeful was sparkling in her eyes, so he shut up.

“Give me a second. I need to get this out while it’s still clear. What do they call it? An epiphany? I think that’s what it was. My outlook on everything seemed to change like magic. The worry was gone. The anxiety is still there, sure, but I don’t really care that it’s there right now. I want to spend whatever time I have before the Boobpocalypse being free and happy.”

Aidan fought the urge to snort with laughter at the term “Boobpocalypse”, but the corners of his mouth curled anyway. Bridget noticed and smirked back at him with the same lopsided grin she had given him since the old days. He had always loved that look.

“See? That’s what I’m talking about. I want us to have fun together and tease each other. I wanna laugh, go to movies, see concerts, and do all the stuff I haven’t done because I was so preoccupied with what other people would think. I want to be stupid like Clara and Matty are. I want people to gag when they see us groping each other in public, and do all that stupid shit that gets us in trouble with our parents. I want you to, well, you know…”

Her voice lowered and she felt self-conscious again, but she muttered the next part anyway.

“...sleep with me.”

Aidan’s eyes widened. His heart was pounding and his fingers were twitching. This was the moment. Everything he had daydreamed about for the last few years was right in front of him. Only Bridget looked even hotter than she had in any daydream he ever had. His friends and teammates had always talked about Mrs. Thomas at school events and things like that. She was a stereotypical MILF with a mature, finely-aged beauty and curvaceous figure that put even the hottest girls on the cheerleading squad to shame. In some ways, Bridget had a body a lot like her mom’s now, only better. She was smaller than her mom, but her body was nearly the same, and her chest was obviously much bigger.

He couldn’t resist, and he saw no reason to. He wrapped her up in a tight embrace, leaned in and kissed her. Her eyes went wider than his had just done, then closed as she melted against him. Her soft flesh gave way as he pressed closer, and he was soon squeezed between her breasts. Lust and desire took over, and he reached down, placing one hand on her firm, round ass and one on the back of her head. Their tongues tangled. Their lips clamped and relaxed. Aidan nibbled at her lower lip, gently moving her head to his whims while his other hand gripped a generous handful of her ass. He relaxed for a moment, allowing her to throw her head back and let out a sweet, sensual moan as he moved his right hand from her head to her left breast. He reached for her tits, thrilled that he had to stretch his arm out behind himself to manage it. Still kissing her neck and shoulder, his fingers blindly followed the curves of her flesh to seek out her nipple. It was so thick and hard that it was easy to feel even through her thick reinforced bra. It almost filled his palm. He squeezed.

“We can’t get too carried away here,” Bridget whimpered. “Let’s go somewhere and do this right.”

Aidan wanted to protest. The open air was good enough for their ancestors. His instincts told him so.

“Fine,” he sighed, pulling away from her before his monkey brain could take over. “We can go to my house. My parents went to have lunch with some of their friends. They shouldn’t be home for another hour at least.”

Bridget fixed her mussed hair and smoothed the wrinkles out of her top. Still turned on, she looked Aidan over, eyes lingering on his toned forearms, strong hands, and the noticeable bulge in his pants.

“What are you staring at?” He asked, turning his body away.

“Aw, don’t be shy,” she teased, smirking at him again. “I’ve got plans for him.”

“Let’s just get going before I end up with the blue balls.”

Bridget cackled at that and made fun of him for the entirety of the walk back to his car.

Twenty minutes later they burst into Aidan’s bedroom, already kissing and pawing at one another. Aidan shuffled backwards toward his bed, trying to keep Bridget from tipping over while also kicking assorted junk, dirty laundry, and stray shoes out of their way so she wouldn’t trip. He knew he should have cleaned up that morning, but time had been short.

He sat down on the mattress once they had safely crossed the room, breaking off the extended kiss. Bridget crossed her arms over her massive chest and started trying to lift her shirt, so he grabbed the hem and helped her out. 

“Oh, such a gentleman,” she teased, letting him pull it over her head to reveal her bra.

She struck a sensual pose, cocking one hip and rubbing the top of her left breast with one hand while the other pulled upwards on her thick belt-like bra strap. The sturdy canvas reinforcements of her cups creaked as her weighty tit lifted an inch or two from its usual position. The girdle-like structure that buttressed her spine and supported her abdomen kept her covered up even without a shirt. It was sexy in its own way, but he still wanted it gone.

“What do you want to do to me?” She asked.

“To start,” Aidan muttered, staring at her chest in rapt fascination. “I want to get you out of that bra.”

He reached out and closed his arms around her in a tight bear hug. His body slipped between her tits to reach the sturdy straps, ribbons, zippers, and hooks behind her back. Their lips met again, and Bridget let him get on with it, holding either side of his head and running her fingers through his hair. He unfastened one hook after another, but there always seemed to be another one.

“Jesus,” he grumbled as Bridget went on trying to kiss him. “How many are there?”

She pulled back, still holding his head, and fixed him with a sardonic look.

“Do you have any idea how heavy these things are?”

“I think I’m starting to get one.”

He grinned up at her, still fumbling with the hooks.

“It’s a good thing you’re cute,” she teased, sighing for effect. “How did you go into this without expecting a fight with a monster bra?”

“I didn’t expect it to be so complicated. It’s like a back brace and a corset hate-fucked and made this thing.”

Bridget snorted at that.

“Imagine having to wear this all the time. I can barely stand up straight without one.”

“How’s your back?” Aidan asked still working on her bra.

Bridget was almost impressed by his ability to be thoughtful even as he was trying to remove the only thing keeping her upright and pain free. She thought there was even a trace of real concern in his voice.

“Not great,” she sighed. “But there’s no real damage to it, at least not yet. I’ve been dragging these around since I was a kid so I guess I’ve adapted pretty well. Now shut up, about my health you’re killing my boner.”

Shaking his head and sniggering to himself, Aidan finally managed to release the last few hooks. After unzipping a few things and creating some slack he heard a low groan from Bridget. With a sigh of relief, she leaned forward to rest her tits on the bed with Aidan still trapped between them.

“That thing is so tight,” she said. “There’s no greater pleasure on Earth than getting out of a bra.”

“I’d be willing to bet there are a few things,” Aidan said, still trapped between her tits.

“Like what?”

“Taking a piss anytime, anywhere, for one.”


“How about blowjobs?”

“Are you saying you want one, or just changing your answer?”

“Well, I’m not gonna say no to one.”

Bridget flashed back to the hotel room the night before. She had given that evil little shit a blowjob just before everything went so wrong. It had been the first one she had ever given, too. It should have been Aidan. Images of the traumatic experience filled her mind and she froze up. It took a few seconds, but Aidan realized she had gone stiff and was staring off into empty space.

“Bridge?” He said, pulling his arms free from their pillowy prison. “Hey, are you alright?”

Bridget’s attention returned to the present. She shook her head, forcing a smile.

“I’m sorry, I don’t know what’s wrong with me…”

“If this is too much too fast I get it.”

Aidan grunted as he reached beyond his fleshy prison to take both of her hands in his and squeeze them gently.

“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”

Bridget looked at him, surprised and impressed.

“What?” She asked.

“This is taking every ounce of self control I have left,” he said

He chuckled nervously at his own weak and innappropriately timed joke before shaking his head and getting himself under control again.

“Sorry. What I mean is I get it if you need time to get your head on straight. We can wait until you feel better.”

“Honestly,” she muttered. “I’d rather do this the right way this time. Right here and now. I want to move on.”

“Thank god,” Aidan burst out with a laugh. “I feel like I’m about to explode.”

She leaned back, lifting her boobs from the bed and freeing Aidan from their embrace in the process. Slipping her arms from the broad belt-like straps, she shrugged out of her bra. Her upper body emerged from the supportive girdle as she struggled like a butterfly freeing itself from its cocoon.

“Move,” she ordered, gesturing for Aidan to get off of the mattress. “I have about fifteen seconds before my spine starts cracking.”

Aidan scrambled out of the way and Bridget slumped forward again. Her tits sank onto the mattress with a heavy creaking of wood, springs, and even the floor beneath the bed. Despite how soft and supple her flesh was, all of the signs of their incredible weight didn’t escape Aidan’s notice. She was bent over in a compromising position, but let out a content sigh of relief.

“Just how much do they weigh at this point?” He asked, unable to stop himself.

“It’s not polite to ask a lady about stuff like that.” Bridget scoffed.

She stuck her nose in the air and turned away from him with a performative twist of her head. Aidan looked abashed, but she laughed and started to unfasten her pants.

“No need to get all mopey. I’m just messing with you. To be totally honest, I don’t weigh myself as often as I should. Last time I checked I guess they were almost 60 pounds each, but I’ve, uh, put on a little weight lately. Here and there…”

Aidan’s focus shifted to her ass as she wiggled it free from its denim prison and he thought he knew what she meant. He hadn’t noticed until now—not with so much up top to distract him from the rest of her—but she had filled out in other places as well. Like every other red-blooded male in town, he was aware that her mom had an incredible body, but he had never considered Bridget herself was poised to inherit a similar figure. The sight of the silky panties stretched tight over her bulging cheeks woke him up to the fact that Bridget may not have been equally endowed all over, but there was plenty to enjoy beyond her chest. They did very little to cover her ass, but rather accentuated how big and shapely it was. A certain academic and analytical side of him wondered if it was so big and toned because she carried around so much extra weight.

“I need you to know something, Bridge,” he said, reaching both hands out to grab her by the hips.

“Hmm?” She hummed in reply. 

She looked over one shoulder and her eyes went wide in surprise as she saw him closing in on her. She gasped as he gripped her hips. A thrill of excitement shot through her at his touch. Aidan leaned over to porch her on the lips again before he went on.

“You are blazing-fucking-hot.”

One of his hands slid over her back to squeeze her ass. Heat rose in her cheeks, as much from his compliment as his more intense and intimate groping. No one had ever touched her like this before. She thought she understood why other girls put up with their boyfriends manhandling them so much. There was a physical side to it, if course, but the feeling of subtle, insidious domination of a man’s attention was like a drug. She had even felt it with Les.

Stop thinking about him, Bridget, she inwardly snapped at herself. Focus on Aidan’s hands. His fingers caressing…pressing into…

“Whoa!” Bridget squawked, kicking her legs and shaking her head. “Just where are you planning to put those?”

Aidan looked confused and suddenly unsure of himself.

“I’m sorry,” he mumbled. “I thought—”

“This isn’t a porno, Aidan!” Bridget interrupted. “I’m still new to this stuff. You’ve gotta take it slow, man.”

Aidan sighed, then a look of realization lit up his face and he smirked down at her.

“Then what about this?”

Without waiting for her to respond, he dropped to his knees behind her, pulled her panties down to to her knees, and pressed his face between her thighs. She leaned forward and sank into her own breasts with a muffled squeak and a shuddering moan rather than protesting.

“You’re taking…advantage…of me…son of a…bitch!” She panted. “Oooooh…don’t stop!”

Aidan had never been in the position to eat a girl out before. One of his friends told him it was a boring pain in the ass and tasted like piss and sweat, but he didn’t think it was bad at all. Bridget seemed to be enjoying it, so he guessed he was doing it right. She pushed back, pressing her pussy more firmly into his face, and he felt around with his tongue. Her enthusiasm made him want to try harder, but there was a small problem.

He knew academically where to find the clitoris, but found it a lot harder to locate in actual practice. He pulled away, taking a deep breath spreading her lips apart to look for his quarry.

“What are you doing?” Bridget whined. “Is something wrong?”

Her voice was higher than usual and full of concern. Her breathing was labored as she tried to turn around to see what was going on behind her. Aidan put one hand on her lower back to reassure her everything was alright.

“Just getting ready,” he told her.

“For wha—OH GOD!”

Aidan shoved his face back into her cunt and pushed his tongue right into the sweet spot. Bridget let out a wail and planted her head into her cleavage to muffle her wild cries of ecstasy. Aidan went on, swirling and flapping his tongue against her clit until she was quivering and practically crying with pleasure and relief. Once he felt she’d had enough, he gave himself a break. He hadn’t expected his tongue would get sore so quickly. He was used to playing through the pain, but he was going to need more practice to go longer than a few minutes at a time.

“Feeling more prepared now?” He asked with a wry smile.

“Bite me,” Bridget said, pulling her head out of her cleavage.

Aidan did just that, taking a playful nip at her left ass cheek.


“Be careful what you wish for.”

“Quit being a smartass and fuck me properly, goddammit,” Bridget growled, looking over her shoulder again. “I’m feeling all…tingly now.”

Aidan looked surprised, but wasn’t about to argue. His blood was up and he was beyond worrying about possible repercussions of his actions or his parents coming home early. He widened his stanced and clumsily lined himself up with Bridget. She cleared her throat and stood on tiptoe to raise her hips a bit higher.

“That’s a little high,” she told him.

“Huh? High?”

Bridget breathed a weary sigh, shaking her head in dismay.

“I’d rather not get buttfucked on our first date, Aidan.”

“Oh, shit! Sorry,” Aidan said, unable to keep a self-deprecating snicker out of his voice. “I’m nervous, I guess?”


Bridget didn’t sound convinced.

Aidan held himself steady in one hand and kept the other planted on her hip. After feeling around a bit, he found the right spot. With a tentative thrust he felt himself sink into her, but stopped well short of forcing his full length into her. As much as he wanted to push on, he had heard it was best to start slow and build up. A soft moan escaped Bridget’s lips as she arched her back as if to invite him to go on. He began pushing deeper into her, a bit at a time, until he bottomed out.

Holy fucking shit, he thought. We’re really doing this!

Without warning, Bridget pushed backwards. Her soft ass pressed against him for a split second, then she pulled herself forward, squashing her breasts in the process, before pushing her hips back once again. He picked up on her rhythm, and soon enough they weren’t just having sex, but properly fucking. Aidan thrust into her, she moaned and pushed into him, and they both grunted, growled, moaned, and screamed their satisfaction to the empty room around them.

It was clumsy and experimental in nature, and it didn’t last all that long, but they both enjoyed their first time more than most. He got carried away at one point and slapped her on the ass, but she was surprised to find she enjoyed that, at least during sex. Despite how huge she was, giving Aidan easy access to her tits even in her current position, she noticed that he seemed obsessed with her backside. He couldn’t keep his hands off of it the entire time. She considered that it may have been because her unusual anatomy forced her to take him in the doggy position, but she suspected he had a full-blown fascination with her ass by the time they were done.

Sweaty and exhausted, Aidan slumped over her back. Bridget, equally worn down, had slumped onto her own giant tits in turn.

“That was awesome,” he panted before kissing her near the shoulder-blade.

“Yeah,” she wheezed back. “I almost can’t believe it, though. Does everything feel sort of…”

She screwed up her face in a thoughtful and adorable expression as she tried to think of the right word.

Different to you?”

“I guess a little,” he said, caressing one of her breasts before sitting upright and to let her breathe more easily. “Kind of crazy that we just did that together, right?”

“I guess. But it was also pretty amazing. It feels like we really were made for each other right now.”

“Yeah, I know what you mean.”

“I love you, Aidan,” she said.

“I love you, too.”

She caught him taking another look at her ass and burst out laughing.

“What?” Aidan asked, feeling self-conscious and suddenly out of sync with her. “What's so funny?”

“It’s just so typical!” Bridget cackled. “I grew up to have probably the world’s biggest tits and you turned out to be an ass man!”


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