Abby Alone

    Abby ducked into an alley to avoid being spotted. They were all around her, but if she stayed quiet, and waited until just the right moment, she could get the drop on them. A hunched humanoid figure standing on over-long legs that bent the wrong way shuffled by, snuffling and grunting as if to sniff her out, but didn’t sense her. She took in a shallow breath once she was sure it was far enough away. Her heart hammered in her chest.

That was a big one!

She gave it another ten seconds then drew her gun from a holster on her thigh and rushed out of her hiding place. If she could just make it three more blocks she would be fine. She would reach the safehouse and could finally rest for a while. There was time. She could get back to her mission in the morning. It wasn’t safe to try to reach the target until the patrols died down again.

She heard a loud banging noise from somewhere behind her and nearly jumped out of her skin.

“Abigail! You’ve got to let me in!”


Abby tore the headset off and the world of dark neo-gothic architecture and Eldritch monstrosities was replaced by the boring and familiar view of her bedroom. She threw it to one side along with the grips and tried to make her eyes focus properly again. She had been so absorbed in her newest game she had forgotten her Aunt Rae was coming over. Hands scrambling through the mess of empty chip bags, plastic bottles, and aluminum cans around her cushion, Abby searched for her phone.

“Just a minute!”

She shouted through the half open doorway that led to the main room of her condominium. The banging stopped as she finally found the damned thing. She unlocked it and opened a security app wirelessly linked to every door and appliance in her home. The front door unlocked with the press of a button, and all without the need for her to get up from her seat.

Not that she could have if she wanted. The best she could do was stand up to greet her Aunt once she made it back to her bedroom. Moving to another room was out of the question without calling in the cavalry, and she’d only done that twice in all the years since she became immobilized by her own bulk. She’d been smaller back then, too. There was no telling if it was even possible to squeeze through the bedroom door at this point.

“Oh, you don’t need to get up!” Aunt Rae said as she entered the room.

“It’s cool,” Abby replied, stretching her arms over her head. “I need to get my blood moving a little. I’ve just been sitting around all day.”

The older woman moved in to hug her niece from behind. No one had been able to hug her from the front for years.

“Hiya, Auntie,” Abby said with a cheeky grin. “Thanks for stopping by.”

“No problem!” Aunt Rae chirped. “It’s my turn, and you know I’m always happy to help my favorite niece.”

She looked around the room, taking in the refuse and detritus scattered all about.

“Guess I should start here then, huh?” She said, looking Abby in the eyes and raising one eyebrow. “You have a garbage can over there.”

“I know…”

Abby looked at the can a short distance away from her current position. She felt guilty when other people had to come over to clean up her messes, but it was such a pain to move around more often than was absolutely necessary. She was powerless to do anything about it though. That was why her mom had insisted on keeping her at home, but Abby had insisted twice as hard on living on her own. She had made peace with the fact that she was going to be stuck in one place, but she didn’t want that place to be her childhood bedroom. She wanted to feel at least halfway grown up.

To facilitate that, most of the female members of her immediate family had arranged a rotating semiweekly schedule to help her save on expenses by cleaning up for her. The monthly payments for a specially designed condo weren’t cheap, and Abby’s disability payments, while generous, wouldn’t quite cover a maid on top of everything else.

Aunt Rae went back to the stark living room to put her purse down on the lone couch out there. Abby hadn’t seen the point in decorating or furnishing it beyond that. She only set foot in it once a year, if at all, and she never had guests anymore. Her friends had all moved away or forgotten about her. She had been too big to go out and have fun for years, and her friends were the drinking and dancing type. They're insistence on partying all the time was partly to blame for Abby’s current predicament. They had only wanted her around so long as she could join in. After she got dosed and started swelling up like a goddamn parade balloon they all started to disappear from her life.

Aunt Rae returned to act as a much needed distraction as Abby was beginning to tailspin into one of her depressive spirals. She had her hair tied up in a loose bun, a bandana tied around her forehead, and a large garbage bag in one hand. She bent double and began picking up the trash.

Abby supposed it would have been rude to put her headset back on with company around, so she tried to strike up a conversation. It was always annoying to try to talk to someone moving around the room from her sedentary position, though. Her aunt kept talking to her, but it could be hard to hear her clearly whenever her tits got between them. The amount of sound they could absorb was insane. Unable to make out half of what she was saying, Abby’s thoughts began to wander. As she often did when her aunt was around, she started thinking about what she may have been like if not for that fucking night in the club.

Years before, when Abby was normal, she and her aunt had looked so much alike that her grandmother had joked that she could use her old high school portrait of Rae like a mirror. They had the same thick cherry-brown locks, identical hazel eyes, and the same button nose. She thought they might have had the same bronzed skin tone if she could have gotten out into the sunlight anymore, but she was more of a pale beige as it was. If not for the incident, they probably would have been built mostly the same way. That was the real shame, in her opinion, because Aunt Rae was a looker. She had big, sexy DDs and, at least as long as Abby had known her, wide hips that complemented a butt that was big and round, but not too big. Back when she still thought she might have kids one day, Abby often wondered if she would get the same figure if she had a kid. She would never know now. She had filled out a little more down south, but it was just a little extra fat from being unable to get much exercise for the last few years. She’d never have the sexy hourglass body so many of the other women in her family had. She was pretty much just a pile of tits.

Abby put her hands on the mountains of supple flesh before her. They were certainly too big to be considered sexy. Mind-blowing, maybe, but not in a good way. There were probably a few pervs out there that thought tits the size of passenger vans were hot, but she never wanted to meet them. To her they were a disgusting pain in the ass that made her life miserable. A little mental arithmetic told her it had been almost six years since the incident. How time flew when you never went out. When was the last time she had been outside? Four years ago?

That’s the last time I can remember still fitting into a bra.

She hadn’t seen her own nipples without the aid of her mirror wall for almost three. If it hadn’t been a medical necessity to check herself out every so often, she would never have agreed to the stupid thing. She hated the sight of her reflection. The growing never really stopped, probably never would again, and she didn’t like getting constant reminders of her growth.

Of course she probably would have had a few other hints she was getting bigger even without being able to see it. She had finally lost the ability to reach her nipples sometime last year and they had been inching further out of her reach ever since. The growth was still constant, just very, very slow. Sometimes she would go about her day and feel like nothing much had changed. Then, when she wasn’t even thinking about it anymore, she would do her morning stretches and notice that her fingertips weren’t reaching above the tops of her boobs anymore.

One of the weirdest things about being so huge was how aware she was of every square inch of her body. Along with her size, her sensitivity had increased by a huge degree to the point that she had some kind of superhuman “breast sense”. Despite being more boob than woman at this point, she knew right where her areolae began and ended. She could feel every nerve in her nipples whenever a cold draft brushed over them and made them hard. She could precisely identify the foil pop tart wrapper nestled beneath her left boob that moment. She made sure to mention it to Aunt Rae. It was starting to get uncomfortable now that she thought about it.

“Have you been doing your stretches and exercises?” Aunt Rae asked as she stuffed the wrapper into her garbage bag. “Tracey said you were looking a little puffy last time she was here.”

“Gee, thanks, mom,” Abby pouted. “Not really, no. I don’t see the point. Nothing I do is going to help me move again. Even if I got super strength or something I’d have to be like eight feet tall to lift them off the floor.”

“But that’s no reason to give up!” Rae said, looking stern. “I know this hasn’t been easy, or convenient, or fair, but no good will come of losing what you have left. Muscle atrophy is a nasty thing, sweetheart.”

Abby shrugged. She had heard all about it from her cousin, April, of course. She was a nurse and had worked with a few of the other dosing victims at her clinic a few years back. Some of the biggest ones way back then had given up, and they had been small enough to walk around for short distances.

If they could only see me now, she thought. I’d make them feel positively petite.

“I don’t plan to let it get that bad,” Abby sighed. “But it’s not like I need to worry about looking good for anyone. No one’s gonna want all this mess.”

She slapped her right breast hard enough to make it start to wobble. The flesh undulated like a mound of gelatin. Ripples in her flesh were visible for at least half a minute as her flesh slowly returned to its equilibrium. Even Aunt Rae, who was straight as an arrow, was entranced by the display.

“I don’t think that’s true,” she said, shaking her head as if to clear it of distractions. “If there are men out there turned on by those six hundred pound shut-ins, I’d bet there are plenty who would be into you.”

“Sure, but do you think they’d be anyone you think I’d actually want to meet?” Abby countered. “They’d probably smell like feet and Doritos.”

Aunt Rae shrugged.

“You might be surprised. I read about one of the other girls around your age that got dosed. She’s happily married with two kids now. Her husband looked like a normal, fairly handsome guy.”

“I saw that same article, Aunt Rae. She’s less than half my size…lucky bitch.”

She added the last bit in a petulant grumble. Aunt Rae gave her a pitying look and shook her head.

“I’m just trying to encourage you to keep trying. It’s a big world out there, and there’s someone for everyone. There’s probably a good man somewhere just dreaming about taking care of a girl like you.”

“And unicorns live in Atlantis with Santa and the leprechauns.”

Aunt Rae laughed at that.

“You’re as sharp as ever, kid,” she said, turning around to pick up more trash. “Just don’t sell yourself short. That’s all I’m saying. These days people have those long-distance virtual relationships, right? Maybe try something like that on one of your games sometime. Making connections to other people is important.”

They talked for a while about what was going on in the world, but Abby was just waiting for her to finish cleaning up and leave. She liked her family, but it was hard for them to truly understand what her life was like these days. She hated when they gave her advice. She couldn’t even find a comfortable position to watch TV or use a computer because her tits were so fucking big they blocked everything, and they wanted her to try to have a relationship? That was why she mostly relied on VR these days. It at least let her pretend she had a normal body and could leave the house. VR chat rooms and simulated tours were the closest she got to getting out of her bedroom.

Once she was done, Aunt Rae gave her one last hug and carried the bulging garbage bag out of the room. Despite her annoyance with her aunt’s unsolicited advice, Abby suddenly felt lonely without someone else around to distract her. She thought about stopping Aunt Rae and asking her to stay and have dinner with her, but knew she had wasted enough of her evening doing chores for her. She still had a life, and it would have been selfish to keep her from home any longer. Once she heard the front door close, she locked it with her phone, reached for her headset and prepared to return to her adventures in the post-invasion apocalypse. Even as she defended herself from a horde of alien monstrosities, all she could think about was what Aunt Rae had told her about people into girls like her. Could she really find someone if she tried?


She shut the game down and started up a chat app that she had only used on one or two previous occasions. She didn’t have the energy to be social very often, even in a virtual world where no one knew what she looked like. After making some changes to her avatar, trying to make it a little more conventionally attractive without losing too much of her personal style, she cycled through the available rooms. The most populous open chats were devoted to things like gaming discussion or politics.

I’d rather die.

She filtered her search down to less polarizing and irritating subjects and found something more interesting. It was labeled “Matchmaker: Speed Dating” and, according to the description, would automatically match participants into pairs and give them ten minutes in a private virtual space before kicking them and matching them with new partners once time was up. Pairs that hit it off were encouraged to send friend requests to each other.

Abby stared at the big green “Join” button that would add her to the roulette.

What could it hurt? 

She pushed it and only had to wait about a minute to be placed in a simple, but lovingly crafted virtual greenhouse. Her avatar, a slim black-haired girl that looked something like Disney’s Alice if she shopped at Hot Topic, stood out as a black and white oddity in the colorful garden. Abby moved around a little, but didn’t see or hear anyone else in the chatroom. She checked the HUD to be sure she was alone, but it showed that someone named ArgoKnight was supposed to be there somewhere.


There was no answer. She was beginning to think the whole thing was bugged when she finally heard someone speak up.

“Sorry, I was AFK for a second there.”

The voice was male, not particularly deep, but pleasant enough.

“Um, that’s alright,” Abby replied. “But where’s your avatar?”


There was a brief silence, and then the guy started to laugh.

“That explains it.”

A tall, athletic anime-style character emerged from a virtual rosebush. He had spiky blonde hair and a weird outfit that would have fit right in at a Final Fantasy protagonist convention. Abby knew she was dealing with a true weeb as soon as he walked into view. She didn’t mind that much, but she hoped this wasn’t going to be a long boring talk about obscure anime.

“I promise I wasn’t creeping,” the guy said. “I was waiting to get matched and my dog got into something in the kitchen. Sorry to waste your time.”

His avatar gave hers a rapid series of exaggerated bows. Even his gestures were straight out of anime.

“It’s alright,” Abby told him. “What kind of dog do you have?”

“She’s a mutt, but I guess she’s mostly husky or something like that.”

“Oh, I love huskies! Does she sing?”

“When she’s excited or upset, yeah,” her partner chuckled. “I’ve gotten into trouble with my landlord over it a few times, but she’s a good girl. Wanna see a picture?”


Abby was surprised it was going so well. The talk of dogs had instantly cheered her up. She had always wanted a dog of her own, but didn’t think it was fair to get one when she couldn’t take it for walks or even play with it much. She certainly didn’t want to give her family another chore to do for her.

“There we go,” the guy said.

A little text chat window popped up on screen and Abby saw a picture of a gray and white dog holding a squeaky toy in its mouth. If a dog could smile, this one certainly was.

“She’s adorable!” Abby squealed. “Oh, and her eyes are different colors! That’s so cool!”

She knew she was gushing, but she loved dogs. This was her first chance in a long time to live vicariously.

“Her name’s Meadow,” her partner told her. “And my real name is Jason. No pressure to tell me yours if you don’t want to, though.”

His avatar put one hand on his hip and waved with the other. Abby thought it would be weird to expect him to keep calling her Absynth when he had shared his name.

“Abby,” she told him, shocked to find she was smiling.

Aunt Rae can never know she was right, she thought. I’ll never hear the end of it.

“Do you come here often, Abby?”

“Not really. I mostly use this thing for games.”

Her avatar tapped her head to indicate the headset.

“I, uh, don’t get out much.”

What would this guy do if he knew he was talking to a girl with giant boobs?

“I gotcha,” he said. “I used to stay home a lot before I got Meadow, but she’s so energetic I have to walk her at least twice a day or she gets pouty. I’m actually getting into shape a little bit.”

“That’s nice,” Abby told him. “Really. I wish I could have a dog.”

“What’s stopping you? Landlord?”

“Not really that, no. Like I said I don’t get out much.”


Realization dawned on him and he sounded more reserved as he went on.

“Medical condition or something?”

“You might say that. I’m mostly healthy, but moving around too much is just…not happening.”

“I’m sorry,” he told her, and sounded genuine. “Change of subject?”


“What’s your favorite game of all time?”

“Hmm, tough one, but I’d say Resident Evil VII. I actually peed myself the first time I played it.”

Abby blushed. She hadn’t meant to tell him so much.

“That one was so fucking scary on VR!” He said, glossing over her embarrassing confession. “Good choice! You’re a horror fan, then?”

“Definitely. My mom and my sisters always thought I was a little too obsessed with scary movies when I was a kid. They’d try to get me to watch The Notebook or something and I’d go to my room and watch The Exorcist.”

“I always liked it, too. Favorite horror movie?”

“Literally can’t pick just one.”

“But if you had to? If all others would be destroyed and you could only save one, what would it be?”

“Um…I guess The Thing.”

“That’s a damn good pick. I was gonna say the original Halloween, but now you have me thinking.”

“What about you?” Abby asked. “What do you like to do for fun?”

“Oh, I mostly play video games or hop on the virtual tabletop for some D&D.”

“You know, I’ve never played that.”

“For real?” Jason sounded shocked. “I thought everyone had tried it at least once by now.”

“I guess I wasn’t really much of the gaming type until after high school.”

“Well, I know you don’t really know me, but I’d be willing to invite you to my group. We only started two or three weeks back so the characters are fresh. I’m the DM, so I could show you the ropes and help you make a character. No pressure, just offering.”

Abby thought it over.

“This is going better than I would have expected,” she said out loud. “And you seem pretty cool, so sure.”

She sent him a friend request, then saw the timer for their session only had thirty seconds left.

“Thanks, you’re cool too,” Jason said. “Well, I don’t think I’m going to do better than this, so I’m probably going to hop out of here. Hit me up when you want to make your character. We play every other Friday around 6.”

He paused as if realizing something for the first time.

“Oh, shit, where do you live, like, timezone-wise?”

“Oh, right, I’m on Mountain Time.”

“Ok, we’re all on Central, so just an hour difference. We can work with that.”

The timer ran out and a buzzer went off to signal the session was finished. Abby was brought back to the lobby to await another match, but decided she wouldn’t bother. She had hit a jackpot of sorts with Jason. He seemed like a total nerd, but he had been sweet and friendly.

A bit like a dog, really.

She took off her headset again and shook out her hair. It was getting oily and gross again, so she supposed it was about that time. Without the ability to move herself into a proper shower, she had to make do with the industrial soaker hanging a few feet away in a sunken and tiled section of her bedroom. She got to her feet and started to hobble in its direction.

A giant turntable built into the floor started to spin as she moved, allowing her to change position without lifting them from the floor. Even so, it was a Herculean effort to build up the momentum necessary to get the thing turning. She had to do a sort of shuffle step, moving a few steps toward her goal, then taking a step or two back, and then reversing her movement again. From there she was usually able to get where she was going, but stopping it once it was spinning wasn’t a cakewalk either. She had to dig her heels in, timing it all so that she wouldn’t get dragged away from her desired destination. It had taken a lot of practice to get it right, and she still misjudged from time to time.

Everything in her room had been carefully measured out so that she could reach different quadrants with different purposes. In one corner she had her VR setup, one step counterclockwise to that was the shower and vanity, another short trip in that direction brought her to a bathroom contained within a curtained off sort of semi-circular space, and finally her bed was in the final quadrant.

She showered off and cleaned what she could reach of her body. Her helper for the weekend had to help her clean her boobs via an intensive sponge bath. There was too much there to fit in the shower even if she could have moved them from their eternal position at the center of the room. She thought it would be her cousin April this weekend if she remembered the schedule correctly, which was good. As a nurse, April gave her the fastest and most meticulous sponge baths, but she could be a little too exuberant. Abby just had to remember to tell her to go easy around her nipples, because when she got in the zone she always forgot they were around 100 times as sensitive as a normal woman’s.

With “most” of her body taken care of, Abby moved on to her hair. She ran her fingers through it and decided she would need someone to come over and trim it for her soon. It was getting too long, and long hair required more upkeep than she was willing to bother with. Once she had rinsed the shampoo out, she turned off the water and decided it was time for a little self care. She was too big to go out, but she still had the same needs as everybody else. She hadn’t had sex since her partying days in high school, but the urge was very much still there. She slipped the two middle fingers of her right hand between her legs and started rubbing them in tight circles between her folds. Her pussy grew slick within moments and Abby bit her lip as her clit began to tingle pleasantly in response to her skilled self-stimulation.

She would have given anything to be able to reach her nipples at that point, but there was no chance. Instead, she made do with rubbing the side of her left tit with her free hand. Up and down, back and forth, she stimulated as much of the soft flesh as she could. Her nipples were already hard due to their exposure to the cool air of her bedroom, but she felt them more keenly as she succeeded in teasing herself just enough to heighten her pleasure. She started working her fingers in and out of herself with greater speed and intensity. She shoved the heel of her hand against her clit as she drew her fingers back and started to grunt and whimper as she inched closer to orgasm. When she finally came, she fell forward and gratefully sank into the wall of flesh before her. She felt as if she could pass out then and there, but she had already experienced waking up with her head trapped between her tits once before. She didn’t relish the idea of nearly smothering herself in her own cleavage. Could there possibly be a more pitiful and embarrassing way to go?

She got up and grabbed one of the oversized towels she kept on a rack nearby. When she had thoroughly dried herself off, she took up a large bottle of lotion. She had learned a long time ago that one thing she absolutely had to take care of was her skin. If it got too dry and lost even a tiny bit of its elasticity, she would probably suffer for it. Stretch marks would be the least of her worries if she kept on growing and her skin got too tight. She pumped the bottle a few times, catching the pinkish liquid in her palm, and started working it into as much of her skin as she was still able to reach. She would need someone to help her moisturize the rest of her tits, but that would wait until bath day.

She checked the time on her phone, yawning and expecting it to be far later than it was. It was only a quarter to nine, but she was tired and bored so she decided to call it a night anyway.

At least I made a friend, she thought as she rotated around to her bed.

It was little more than a thick memory foam mattress resting directly on the floor. She nestled into her blankets, leaving her breasts exposed as usual. She pulled up her control app again and turned on the space heater hanging just above her breasts. When she first outgrew all of her proper clothing she had lost so much heat at night that she was always getting sick. Then her uncles had come over one day and rigged up the heating system and solved her problem for her.

I wonder if Jason was serious about hanging out or just trying to be nice. I guess time will tell.

It turned out that Jason had been serious after all, because he sent her a message the very next evening.

Hey, Abby! It’s Jason from the Matchmaker thing yesterday. I was wondering if you wanted to meet up sometime to work out some of the details to join my D&D group. If you’re not actually interested in that and were just being polite, no hard feelings. Maybe we can still hang out again sometime and just talk horror movies or something. I know we barely know each other, but I had a lot of fun and it felt like we hit it off pretty well. Hope to hear from you soon!

There was a picture beneath the text. A fairly good-looking guy of average build knelt beside a dog she recognized as the same one from the previous evening. He was smiling for the camera and pulling one end of a rope toy while Meadow yanked on the other.

Is that what he looks like? She wondered.

She would have expected someone a lot less handsome and a little more out of shape. It was a pleasant surprise though. She knew nothing would ever happen between them even if they lived in the same city, but a long-distance relationship with someone normal and sweet could work out. At least until he started asking to visit her. Then she would probably have to break it off.

You’re getting ahead of yourself, Abby, she told herself. He may not be interested in anything romantic. Maybe he’s just a friendly guy who feels sorry for someone he thinks is some kind of invalid.

Once she had cooled her heels and started thinking more clearly, she cursed Aunt Rae for planting all these ideas of virtual romance in her head. There was no way any of this would work out in the long run. She was just fooling herself and she knew it. She would just let him down easy and go about the rest of her life.

She decided to give it a try an hour later. After rewriting her reply half a dozen times, she reread the final draft one last time before she sent it.

Hello again! I was serious about trying D&D, FYI. I like trying new things. I don’t really work, and my sleep schedule is all over the place anyway, so I can play anytime and for as long as you want. I read up on character creation earlier and I think I get some of it, but I’ll definitely need some coaching. Could we go over the rules and fill out my character sheet tomorrow evening?

She checked her messages every five minutes for the next half hour, even though she knew she would get a notification when he replied. She was anxious about the whole thing. She hadn’t had a relationship with a guy since she was seventeen, and that had hardly been anything more than an excuse to make out with someone at prom.

Jason’s response pinged across her screen just after she finished her dinner.

Perfect! I’ll send you an invite to our virtual table, that way we can roll your stats and stuff right there.

The next day Abby got up feeling more energetic than she had for a long time. She struggled out of bed, but it didn’t bother her as much as usual.

The power of anticipation, said a self-deprecating little voice.

“Hush,” she said out loud to herself. “Nothing wrong with looking forward to hanging out with a new friend.”

If it went well, Jason would be the first of such since high school. The only people that associated with her these days were her own family, and pretty much just the women. The guys all got understandably awkward around a pair of giant naked breasts. Especially when they were attached to their niece or cousin.

If we do get close, do I tell him about my problem?

She didn’t think it would ever be necessary for a totally online relationship. Still, just as criminals were often undone by their need to confess, she felt like she would want to tell him eventually. If things were to get more romantic in the future, would he accept her for who she really was? It was too early to worry about that, but she couldn’t stop theorizing about her future.

Luckily, April showed up around lunchtime. Abby let her in and got up to stretch out in preparation for what was to come. Always bright and cheery, April came in smiling and gave her a warm hug from behind. She was still in her scrubs, which was probably a good move considering how messy the process could be.

“How have you been?” She asked, already pulling her cleaning kit out of a storage cabinet in one corner of the room.

“Better than usual, actually,” Abby told her. “I think I made a new friend the other day.”

It was a strange relief to tell someone. She hadn’t had an opportunity to share good news for a very long time.

“A friend?”

April tried to keep the incredulity out of her voice, but her eyes were wide and her eyebrows had lifted halfway up her forehead as she turned around.

“How? Online, you mean?”

“Yeah. One of those VR chat room deals. He’s really nice.”

“He huh?”

April snapped on a pair of rubber gloves and dragged a heavy bundle off of the bottom shelf of the cabinet. She unfolded it partway, revealing a collection of hooks and straps laid out on the thick canvas cloth. She moved them to one side and continued unfolding it, revealing it to be a massive canvas tarp. It was double-thick with large panels of permeable nylon arranged across its surface. Heavy metal grommets were spaced out every few feet along the two narrow edges and an extra large one adorned each corner. With a grunt, she dragged it around Abby’s gargantuan bust and stretched it out flat in front of her. Abby couldn’t see what was going on, so she just waited until April reemerged with a pair of ropes she had run through two of the grommets.

“Ready?” April asked with an encouraging smile.

“As I’ll ever be.”

April returned to her position at the front of her tits and Abby grimaced and braced herself for the inevitable discomfort. This was the worst part of the process. The feeling of that rough fabric dragging along the sensitive underside of her breasts was torture, but it was the best they could do with what they had.

April shouted out to her and jerked one corner of the cloth under her left boob. Abby gritted her teeth, gripped the ends of rope tight in each fist, and pulled for all she was worth. The work went in fits and starts, the canvas inching beneath her breasts with every tug. April kept it on track, switching sides every so often to even it out, and they got it done between the two of them. Once her tits were properly situated on the cloth, April started to attach the hooks and straps to the grommets. Then she linked the hooks on the free ends of the straps to a larger shackle on both sides of the tarp.

With all of that done, she opened an access panel in the wall behind Abby and found a control station inside. She pressed the lowest of the five buttons, one with a large black arrow pointing down, and a machine above their heads whirred to life. A moment later, two thick wire ropes equipped with large clevis hooks lowered from the ceiling until they hung just a foot or so off of the ground on either side of Abby’s tits. April grabbed them and hooked the shackles into place, then returned to the control board and pressed a white arrow pointing up this time. The ropes’ progress was slower going up than it had been coming down, and it didn’t get any faster once the canvas rose from the floor and began to lift Abby’s monumental breasts into the air.

“Everything good?” April called out from behind her.

“Yeah,” Abby winced. “I just hate this part. You can’t imagine how this feels.”

“I know, and I’m sorry and all, but we have to get you cleaned up.”

“You don’t have to give me the bedside manner treatment, you know,” Abby said, eyes rolling skyward.

“Sorry, force of habit.”

The winches stopped, leaving Abby’s boobs suspended a little more than four feet above the floor. April went around the room, picking up the various rugs spread all around to reveal the plain tiled floor and regularly spaced drains hidden beneath. Once she had set them all aside, she crouched down, grabbed a bucket and the kind of big sponge generally reserved for washing cars, and started to scrub the turntable. Abby alway found this part to be the most nerve-racking. If the winches failed or a strap snapped, there was nothing she could do to save the unfortunate soul cleaning up at the time. They would be crushed and end up smothering within a marshmallow hell of titflesh, and Abby would end up beyond traumatized. The guilt would probably be the end of her.

It took April about fifteen or twenty tense minutes to finish the job, and Abby breathed a sigh of relief once she finally got out of there. Her cousin stretched out her back for a moment and went to the nearby shower station. She pulled a long thick hose from a plastic tote and attached it to an adaptor built into the bottom of the shower head. She ran some water through it until it warmed up a bit, then crossed the room and started rinsing the soap off of the turntable. Once it was clear, she was ready to start on Abby herself. She set the hose aside and went back to the control board, lowering the hooks again until Abby’s boobs were barely hovering above the floor. She grabbed a stepladder from beside the corner cabinet and set it up just in front of Abby’s right nipple, which was peeking out from above the edge of the canvas and hard as a rock. From the top step, April could just reach the upper curve of Abby’s monstrous tit.

“Go slow this time, please,” Abby begged. “They’re super sensitive.”

April dipped a fresh sponge into her bucket and wrung out half of the warm, soapy water before pressing it to her cousin’s breast. She began scrubbing with small, quick, circular movements, but made sure to go gently. As April repeated the process, the lather ran over the immense mountains of soft flesh, pouring into the canyon of cleavage. The tarp had been treated with a thick hydrophobic coating and it all drained out of the panels of fine netting built into the tarp. Soapy water spattered over the floor and Abby tried to enjoy the feeling of warm water washing away the oil and sweat that accumulated in the days between baths. She couldn’t even remember what it was like to soak in a proper tub, but she knew she missed it. The only way she would experience anything remotely like that again was if she was airlifted into a large body of water. In other words, not something that was going to happen.

April moved around Abby’s breast in a clockwise fashion, sudsing her up as best she could. Once she had repeated the entire process on her left side, it was time to move on to the nipples.

“I’m going to finish up now, okay?” April said, eyeing the giant pink nub of her left tit, easily the size of a footstool.

“Just get it over with,” Abby groaned.

April started cleaning and a loud moan was wrenched out of Abby’s throat an instant later. Powerful waves of arousal coursed through her entire body, emanating from that white hot point at the end of her breast. She bit back a second moan, but her legs betrayed her and started shaking. Her pussy was wet and practically dripping. The seconds stretched on and on, feeling like hours to Abby, but April finally announced she was finished and moved the ladder to the other boob. Abby took the brief respite to catch her breath, then gave a weak shout to let her cousin know she was ready for round two. April wasted no time, and Abby was reduced to a quivering puddle of post-orgasmic embarrassment a moment later.

April made no mention of it, she never did, but Abby always felt like she would die at the end of the scrubbing phase. Having a weekly nipple-centric orgasm at the hands of a family member wasn’t the kind of thing anyone could get used to. The shame of being so incapable of controlling her reactions to being touched only added insult to injury.

April retrieved the hose and rinsed Abby’s boobs off a bit at a time, making sure none of the soap was trapped in her cleavage or between the sides of her tits and the canvas. Once the water pouring out of the drainage panels ran clear, April climbed down and sprayed the floor clean again. She mopped up the majority of the remaining water before lowering the cloth to the floor again. Abby breathed a low sigh of relief once her chest returned to the floor. No matter how many times she went through this process, she would never get used to it.

“I’m gonna do my best to avoid scraping you up,” April said, retrieving the rope Abby had used earlier. “But you know how much of a bitch it is to get this thing free.”

“Just have at it,” Abby shouted over her chest. “I can take it.”

April started yanking the cloth free, struggling for several minutes before it finally slipped out. She dragged it over to a dry spot at the other end of the room and folded it up after making sure it was as dry as it could get. Once she had dragged it back into its place in the cabinet, she grabbed the bottle of lotion by the shower and spent another half hour rubbing it over the front and sides of Abby’s boobs. The whole time Abby tried not to cum again, and actually succeeded, though there were more than a few close calls. She was leaning against her tits, panting and trying to think about anything but sex when April announced she was done.

“Thanks…” Abby panted. “I really appreciate it. You do a much better job than any of the others.”

“I’ll make sure to tell Aunt Tracey you said so,” April laughed. “She’ll love to hear how much her daughter appreciates her efforts.”

“Don’t you even joke about that,” Abby growled. “She’d never let me hear the end of it.”

April came back to give her a final hug.

“Honestly, honey, I’m so glad to hear you made a friend. I get worried about you all alone here so often.”

“I do alright,” Abby sniffed. “I’m a loner, y’know?”

April gave her a forlorn smile and nodded.

“I’m gonna go to the next room and change before I head out. Do you need anything else before I go?”

“I’m fine. You already did more than enough.”

“Take care, Abs.”

April walked out to the living room and Abby heard her shuffle around for a minute or two as she changed out of her wet scrubs. The door squeaked open and swung shut and Abby knew she was alone again. She locked her condo down for the night with her phone and twisted around on the turntable to get to her bed. She turned the heaters on to help dry her skin and settled in for a nap. Even though she barely did any real work, bath time always left her exhausted. She thought it was probably the repeated orgasms.

Her alarm went off half an hour before she was supposed to meet with Jason. She got up and moved over to her gaming space, settling down on her cushion. For the first time in ages, she was excited to have something to do. She accepted the invitation Jason had sent to his D&D table and waited for him in the lobby. She was on pins and needles, refreshing the list of players over and over again waiting for him to log in.

When he finally showed up a few minutes late she had to wait for him to let her into the game room and felt like she would explode. She finally got a popup telling her Jason had opened the room and immediately clicked join.

“Sorry,” Jason said as soon as she entered the chat. “Dinner went a little later than expected.”

“No problem!” Abby chirped before she even knew what she was doing.

She stopped cold. Had that ridiculous, girlish squeak been her voice? What was wrong with her?

You’re acting like a spaz, she told herself. Calm down and be cool.

“Anyway,” Jason said, a smile in his voice. “Let’s get down to business. What are you thinking about playing?”

Jason gave her a crash course on how to navigate and interact with the virtual table, then helped her create her first ever character. She landed on barbarian, because it was easy to play but seemed cool and interesting. The thought of being a badass warrior that wandered from place to place appealed to her. Probably because she was the exact opposite of all of that in real life.

The whole time Jason was explaining how to roll her stats she was absently rubbing her boobs and distracting herself. Something about Jason just made her feel comfortable and relaxed in a way she hadn’t felt in a long time. He had a smooth, gentle voice that she found more attractive the more she listened. On top of that he seemed to be interested in her, and he was male. Crucially, he wasn’t related to her by blood or marriage. With a start, she realized he was the first man she had spoken to since the last time her uncles had been there to do some maintenance on the winch system last year.

“Does all that make sense?” He asked.

Abby had no clue what he had been talking about, so she decided to play dumb.

“Um, I think I missed something. One more time?”

Jason laughed and gave her an abbreviated version of his explanation of the different stats and what they did. Abby just did what he told her to and figured she would sort out the details whenever she got a chance to play the game. She had always learned better on the fly anyway.

“And so, Cailegh Skullcrusher is born!” Jason cackled in a goofy sort of Cryptkeeper voice before slipping back into his normal voice. “Congrats, Abby! You just graduated from clueless to newbie.”

Abby giggled. Actually giggled. She was making herself sick.

“Thanks, that was actually sort of fun.”

“Just wait til you get a chance to play. I’m telling you, it’s addictive once you get a feel for it. If the first session doesn’t grab you, give it at least one more try. I promise things will start to click pretty quickly once you get a sense for the basics.”

“I’m looking forward to it. When are you guys getting together?”

“How would this coming Friday grab you?”

“Sounds good. I’m definitely not going anywhere.”
